Hauts plafonds et parquets blancs
Nous voici de nouveau en Suède et de nouveau dans une petite surface parfaitement exploitée de 58m², où l'on trouve deux jolies pièces et une cuisine au look vintage. La sensation d'espace est-elle due aux plafonds d'une hauteur inhabituelle dans nos contrées, ou aux parquets et murs blancs semblant s'effacer?
High ceilings and white floors
Here we are again in Sweden and again in a small area of 58m ² fully exploited, where there are two lovely rooms and a kitchen with a vintage look. The feeling of space is it due to the unusually high ceilings in our country, or floors and white walls seeming to disappear?
source : Stadshem
High ceilings and white floors
Here we are again in Sweden and again in a small area of 58m ² fully exploited, where there are two lovely rooms and a kitchen with a vintage look. The feeling of space is it due to the unusually high ceilings in our country, or floors and white walls seeming to disappear?
source : Stadshem