Un peu de jaune pour donner du soleil
Cet intérieur suédois serait un peu trop neutre s'il ne comportait pas dans le salon de petites touches de jaune qui dynamise sa décoration. Et que vois-je sur la table basse? Un livre appelé "Clint"? on parle bien de celui auquel je pense? Clint Eastwood? Yes! (en fait j'aime beaucoup le rappel de jaune sur le dos de la couverture, quel sens du détail!)
A bit of yellow to give sun
This Swedish interior would be a little too neutral if it doesn't included in the living room touches of yellow that energizes its decoration. And what do I see on the coffee table? A book called "Clint"? we are talking about the one I'm thinking? Clint Eastwood? Yes! (in fact I love the reminder of yellow on the back cover, what sense of detail!)
source : Goran & Anette Andersson
A bit of yellow to give sun
This Swedish interior would be a little too neutral if it doesn't included in the living room touches of yellow that energizes its decoration. And what do I see on the coffee table? A book called "Clint"? we are talking about the one I'm thinking? Clint Eastwood? Yes! (in fact I love the reminder of yellow on the back cover, what sense of detail!)
source : Goran & Anette Andersson