Objectif charme à Stockholm
Lorsque l'on possède un appartement sans charme particulier, et que l'on souhaite lui en donner, la meilleure chose à faire est d'habiller les murs avec des cadres qui rappellent les cabinets de curiosités et de poser ça et là des meubles et objets ayant une histoire.
Charm target in Stockholm
When an apartment has no particular charm, and you want to give some to it, the best thing to do is to dress up the walls with frames reminiscent cabinets of curiosities and put here and there furniture and objects with an history.
Source : Fastiguestbyran
Charm target in Stockholm
When an apartment has no particular charm, and you want to give some to it, the best thing to do is to dress up the walls with frames reminiscent cabinets of curiosities and put here and there furniture and objects with an history.
Source : Fastiguestbyran