Grands espaces à Stockholm
Cet appartement ne fait que 61m², mais les photos donnent l'impression d'espaces beaucoup plus grands. Est ce du aux hautes fenêtres, à la lumière, ou à l'exploitation des surfaces? En tout cas si cet appartement est moyen sur le papier, en fait : il a tout d'un grand!
Large spaces in Stockholm
This apartment is only 61m, but the pictures give the impression of much larger spaces. Is of the high windows, the light, or the exploitation of surfaces? In any case if this apartment is moderate on paper, in fact: it has everything that make a great!
source : Alvhem
Large spaces in Stockholm
This apartment is only 61m, but the pictures give the impression of much larger spaces. Is of the high windows, the light, or the exploitation of surfaces? In any case if this apartment is moderate on paper, in fact: it has everything that make a great!
source : Alvhem