Melange réussi en Suède
Avec son magnifique papier peint "Fan" de Erika Wakerlys, ses meubles années 50 en teck, ses chaises Breuer, son amusant canapé fait maison sur une estrade de rangements, cet appartement suédois situé dans un immeuble ancien des années 30 conçu par Nils Olsson, un architecte de renom, est un parfait exemple des intérieurs d'aujourd'hui, qui misent à la fois sur le charme vintage des éléments récupérés dans les brocantes ou héritages de famille, et sur les meubles plus contemporains comme cette simple table Docksta Ikea de la salle à manger.
Successful blend in Sweden
With its beautiful wallpaper "Fan" by Erika Wakerlys, its 50s teakfurniture, its Breuer chairs, its fun homemade sofa on a platform of storage, this Swedish apartment in an old building designed in the 30s by the architect renowned Nils Olsson , is a perfect example of today's interiors, that focus on both on the vintage charm of elements recovered in flea markets or family heirlooms, as well as most contemporary furniture as this simple Docksta table by Ikea in the dining room.
source : Stadshem
Successful blend in Sweden
With its beautiful wallpaper "Fan" by Erika Wakerlys, its 50s teakfurniture, its Breuer chairs, its fun homemade sofa on a platform of storage, this Swedish apartment in an old building designed in the 30s by the architect renowned Nils Olsson , is a perfect example of today's interiors, that focus on both on the vintage charm of elements recovered in flea markets or family heirlooms, as well as most contemporary furniture as this simple Docksta table by Ikea in the dining room.
source : Stadshem