Les petites surfaces du jour : Un 32m² à Stockholm
Aujourd'hui, je vais vous présenter plusieurs petites surfaces. Ce studio à Stockholm démontre que l'on peut faire rimer studio et raffinement, car quoiqu'il reste très simple, les éléments choisis pour sa décoration lui donnent une personnalité unique et chaleureuse, digne des plus grands espaces.
Small areas of the day: a 32m ² in Stockholm
Today, I will introduce several small areas. This one room apartment in Stockholm shows that a little space can rhyme with refinement, as though still very simple, selected items for decoration gives it a unique and warm personality, worthy of the great ones.
source: Bjurfors
Small areas of the day: a 32m ² in Stockholm
Today, I will introduce several small areas. This one room apartment in Stockholm shows that a little space can rhyme with refinement, as though still very simple, selected items for decoration gives it a unique and warm personality, worthy of the great ones.
source: Bjurfors