Un peu de vert en pleine ville
C'est à Stockholm, non loin de l'eau que se trouve ce deux pièces de 63m², à l'environnement presque oppressant, loin des façades colorées en anciennes que l'on rencontre dans le coeur historique de la ville. Heureusement les occupants de cet appartement pallient la brutalité du paysage grâce aux plantes du balcon et aux teintes douces de leur intérieur.
A bit of green in the city
It is in Stockholm, close to the water that is this 63m² two rooms flat with an almost oppressive environment, away from old colorful facades that are encountered in the historic heart of the city. Fortunately the occupants of this apartment compensate the brutality of the scenery with plants on the balcony and soft tones in their home.
source : Fastighetsbyran
A bit of green in the city
It is in Stockholm, close to the water that is this 63m² two rooms flat with an almost oppressive environment, away from old colorful facades that are encountered in the historic heart of the city. Fortunately the occupants of this apartment compensate the brutality of the scenery with plants on the balcony and soft tones in their home.
source : Fastighetsbyran