Un Noël en noir et sépia
Quand la neige arrive jusqu'aux genoux, et que le ciel s'assombrit dès le début de l'après midi, il est temps dans les pays scandinaves d'habiller les maisons pour Noël. La photographe et styliste Lene Samsø et sa famille aiment particulièrement cette période de l'année dans leur maison à colombages près d'une forêt danoise du Nord Zélande. photos : Lene Samsø
A black and sepia Christmas
When the snow comes to the knees, and the sky becomes dark early in the afternoon, it's time in the Scandinavian countries to dress houses for Christmas. Photographer and stylist Lene Samsø and her family especially love this time of year in their half-timbered house near a Danish forest in North Zealand. Photos: Lene Samsø
source : Boligmagasinet
A black and sepia Christmas
When the snow comes to the knees, and the sky becomes dark early in the afternoon, it's time in the Scandinavian countries to dress houses for Christmas. Photographer and stylist Lene Samsø and her family especially love this time of year in their half-timbered house near a Danish forest in North Zealand. Photos: Lene Samsø
source : Boligmagasinet