Noël en simplicité
Lorsque Noël approche Elisabeth, architecte d'intérieur, se met à décorer sa maison avec des créations personnelles, des plantes et fleurs, afin de rester fidèle à ses souvenirs d'enfance. Les tons sont neutres, afin de conserver la sérénité qui lui est indispensable pendant cette période de l'année. Pourtant grâce à son talent, une véritable atmosphère festive se dégage de cet ensemble peu coloré. Photos : Elisabeth Heier-Werner
Christmas in simplicity
When Christmas is getting close, Elizabeth, interior designer, begins to decorate her home with personal creations, plants and flowers, to remain faithful to her childhood memories. The tones are neutral, in order to preserve an essential serenity during this time of year. However, thanks to her talent, a real festive atmosphere emerges from this dull-colored set. Photos: Elizabeth Heier-Werner
source : Klikk
Christmas in simplicity
When Christmas is getting close, Elizabeth, interior designer, begins to decorate her home with personal creations, plants and flowers, to remain faithful to her childhood memories. The tones are neutral, in order to preserve an essential serenity during this time of year. However, thanks to her talent, a real festive atmosphere emerges from this dull-colored set. Photos: Elizabeth Heier-Werner
source : Klikk