Le loft 9B à Sofia
Direction les pays de l'Est, et plus précisément la Bulgarie où les designers Dimitar Karanikolov et Venete Nikolova ont développé ce loft unique dans la capitale bulgare. Couleurs sombres mais jamais tristes, personnalité forte, nous voici loin de la déco gnangnan.
the 9B loft in Sofia
Go to the East countriesand more precisely Bulgaria where Dimitar Karanikolov and Venete Nikolova designers have developed this unique loft in the Bulgarian capital. Dark colors but never sad, strong personality, we are far from cheesy decor.
source : Behance via Pufik Homes
the 9B loft in Sofia
Go to the East countriesand more precisely Bulgaria where Dimitar Karanikolov and Venete Nikolova designers have developed this unique loft in the Bulgarian capital. Dark colors but never sad, strong personality, we are far from cheesy decor.
source : Behance via Pufik Homes