Black is back
Pour contraster avec les parutions d'hier placées sous le signe du tout blanc, je vous propose ce matin un studio de 40m² avec une cuisine à la forte personnalité, dont le noir est mis en valeur par la couleur verte des Tolix. La bonne idée? Utiliser le côté du meuble colonne comme tableau pour noter la liste des courses, les petits messages...Quant à dormir dans une boîte, là c'est non, enfin en ce qui me concerne.
Black is back
In order to contrast with yesterday's posts placed under the sign of all white, I propose this morning a 40m² studio with a kitchen with a strong personality, in which the black is highlighted by the green color of Tolix. The good idea? Use column cabinet side as a board for noting the shopping list, small messages ... As for sleeping in a box, this is no, finally in my case.
Black is back
In order to contrast with yesterday's posts placed under the sign of all white, I propose this morning a 40m² studio with a kitchen with a strong personality, in which the black is highlighted by the green color of Tolix. The good idea? Use column cabinet side as a board for noting the shopping list, small messages ... As for sleeping in a box, this is no, finally in my case.