Un balcon vitré sur la ville
Il est toujours agréable d'avoir une surface extérieure quand on vit dans un appartement, balcon, terrasse et parfois même un petit jardin. Mais si on vit dans un centre ville animé, il devient difficile d'en profiter à cause du bruit engendré par la circulation. Ici, le problème a été résolu par l'installation d'un vitrage, créant un effet dedans/dehors sur le balcon parfaitement aménagé de cet appartement. La vue sur l'extérieur est sauvegardée, le calme également.
A glazed balcony onto the city
It is always nice to have an outer surface when you live in an apartment, balcony, terrace and even a small garden. But if you live in a busy city center, it becomes difficult to enjoy it due to the noise generated by traffic. Here the problem was solved by installing a glazing, creating an effect in / out on this apartment fully furnished balcony. The outside view is saved, calm too.
source : Lundin
A glazed balcony onto the city
It is always nice to have an outer surface when you live in an apartment, balcony, terrace and even a small garden. But if you live in a busy city center, it becomes difficult to enjoy it due to the noise generated by traffic. Here the problem was solved by installing a glazing, creating an effect in / out on this apartment fully furnished balcony. The outside view is saved, calm too.
source : Lundin