Le mur de briques joue les vedettes
De cet immeuble des années 40, il ne reste plus qu'un mur de briques chaleureux, qui fait que cet appartement est différent des autres. Il est la pièce maitresse de la décoration, attire tous les regards surtout lorsque comme ici, il est éclairé de façon à le mettre en vedette.
The brick wall act like a star
From that building from the 40s, it remains a warm brick wall, that makes that this apartment is different. It's the decoration centerpiece, attracting attention especially when, as here, it's lit in order to emphasize .
The brick wall act like a star
From that building from the 40s, it remains a warm brick wall, that makes that this apartment is different. It's the decoration centerpiece, attracting attention especially when, as here, it's lit in order to emphasize .