Comment donner un air campagne chic à votre vieille cuisine rustique?
Même si cette cuisine est située dans un restaurant, elle est un bon exemple de ce que l'on peut faire avec une vieille cuisine rustique, vous savez, celle qui vous sort par les yeux alors que vous n'avez pas le budget pour la changer. Ici on a peint les murs en deux couleurs, un vert amande et un blanc, et la peinture se prolonge sur les meubles de cuisine, qu'elle rajeunit dans un esprit campagne chic très réussi. Les poutres en blanc, le vert des plantes finissent de donner à cette pièce une allure fraîche et contemporaine. Des étagères ouvertes et un plan de travail en bois aux tons chaud ajoutent leur touche de charme.
How to give a country chic look to your old rustic kitchen?
Although this kitchen is located in a restaurant, it is a good example of what you can do with an old rustic kitchen, you know, the one that fed up you, while you don't have the budget for the change. Here the walls were painted in two colors, an almond green and white, and paint extends on the kitchen furniture, rejuvenates it in a chic country spirit very successful. The white beams, the green of the plants complete to give this room a fresh and contemporary look. Open shelves and warm tones wooden worktop add their touch of charm.
Source : JJ Locations
How to give a country chic look to your old rustic kitchen?
Although this kitchen is located in a restaurant, it is a good example of what you can do with an old rustic kitchen, you know, the one that fed up you, while you don't have the budget for the change. Here the walls were painted in two colors, an almond green and white, and paint extends on the kitchen furniture, rejuvenates it in a chic country spirit very successful. The white beams, the green of the plants complete to give this room a fresh and contemporary look. Open shelves and warm tones wooden worktop add their touch of charm.
Source : JJ Locations