Le rose adoucit le gris
Si nous avons vu ce matin que le jaune dynamise le gris, le rose, surtout dans sa version Nude comme ici, adoucit cette teinte neutre et la rend très féminine, en perdant toutefois un côté qui pourrait sembler "nunuche" . Bref le gris est incontournable en décoration d'intérieur.
Pink softens the gray
If we saw this morning that the yellow energizes gray, pink, especially in its version of Nude as here, softens this neutral color and makes it very feminine, however losing a side that might seem "zany". In short, gray is essential in interior design.
Pink softens the gray
If we saw this morning that the yellow energizes gray, pink, especially in its version of Nude as here, softens this neutral color and makes it very feminine, however losing a side that might seem "zany". In short, gray is essential in interior design.