Minimalisme nordique
Le minimalisme nordique c'est quoi? C'est l'art de ne pas surcharger l'espace, mais de choisir les bons meubles, les bons objets, et les bonnes matières, tous ces éléments qui ajoutés les uns aux autres donnent des intérieurs attirants, même lorsqu'ils sont pratiquement vides.
Nordic minimalism
What is Nordic minimalism? It is the art of not overloading the space, but to choose the right furniture, the right objects, and best materials, all these elements which put together provide attractive interiors, even when they're almost empty.
Nordic minimalism
What is Nordic minimalism? It is the art of not overloading the space, but to choose the right furniture, the right objects, and best materials, all these elements which put together provide attractive interiors, even when they're almost empty.