Vivre à trois dans 28m² habitables
Pour le post n° 6000 du blog, je vous propose de tricher un peu...cet appartement de 28m²au sol, bénéficie de la récupération des combles de 17m² qui ont permis de créer un coin chambre pour deux en mezzanine. Ce n'est pas très haut, mais au prix du mètre carré dans les grandes villes européennes, cette précieuse surface fait toute la différence entre un simple deux pièces pour célibataire, en se transformant en un véritable appartement pour un couple avec un enfant. Les leçons à retenir de cet intérieur? Ne pas multiplier les meubles pour garder un espace aéré. Prévoir tout de même des rangements car ils manquent visiblement dans cette configuration. Mais c'est un joli exercice de style dont on peut facilement s'inspirer.
Living in three, in a 28m² floor space
For the blog post No. 6000, I suggest you to cheat a little ... this 28m² apartment, benefits from the recovery of the attic of 17m² where has been created a sleeping area for two on a mezzanine. This is not very high, but considering the price per square meter in major European cities, this precious area makes the difference between a simple one-bedroom for singles, by turning into a real apartment for a couple with a child. The lessons to remember from this interior ? Don't multiply the furniture to keep a airy space. It's necessary to add storage in this space that are lacking in this configuration. But it's a nice style exercise which you can easily replicate.
Living in three, in a 28m² floor space
For the blog post No. 6000, I suggest you to cheat a little ... this 28m² apartment, benefits from the recovery of the attic of 17m² where has been created a sleeping area for two on a mezzanine. This is not very high, but considering the price per square meter in major European cities, this precious area makes the difference between a simple one-bedroom for singles, by turning into a real apartment for a couple with a child. The lessons to remember from this interior ? Don't multiply the furniture to keep a airy space. It's necessary to add storage in this space that are lacking in this configuration. But it's a nice style exercise which you can easily replicate.