Petit gris
Cet appartement se résume en trois mots : petit, gris et confortable. Pourtant il n'y manque rien, ni un salon qui semble assez grand, ni une cuisine où l'on peut prendre ses repas, ni une grande entrée. Où les Scandinaves ont trouvé la baguette magique qui permet de pousser les murs?
Little Gray
This apartment can be summarized in three words: small, gray and comfortable. Yet nothing is missing neither a lounge that looks pretty big, nor a kitchen where you can have meals or a large entrance. Where the Scandinavians have found the magic wand that can push the walls?
Little Gray
This apartment can be summarized in three words: small, gray and comfortable. Yet nothing is missing neither a lounge that looks pretty big, nor a kitchen where you can have meals or a large entrance. Where the Scandinavians have found the magic wand that can push the walls?