L'acier en vedette
Cet ancien bâtiment industriel a été transformé en 2013 pour devenir une résidence privée. L'acier y tient la vedette, grâce à la préservation des poutres d'origine et l'installation d'une verrière, comme un mur transparent rythmé par les lignes horizontales et verticales, formant quadrillage, qui protège la chambre en hauteur de ce loft en duplex.
Featured Steel
This former industrial building was transformed in 2013 to become a private residence. Steel is featured, thanks to the preservation of the original beams and the installation of a glazed partition, like a transparent wall punctuated by the horizontal and vertical lines, forming a grid, which protects the bedroomlocated in height of this loft In duplex.
Featured Steel
This former industrial building was transformed in 2013 to become a private residence. Steel is featured, thanks to the preservation of the original beams and the installation of a glazed partition, like a transparent wall punctuated by the horizontal and vertical lines, forming a grid, which protects the bedroomlocated in height of this loft In duplex.