Comment aménager un studio en longueur?
Ce studio possède une configuration intéressante : à une extrémité la porte d'entrée, à l'autre une baie vitrée, et entre, un espace long et étroit. Comment l'aménager au mieux? Ici, le parti-pris a été d'occuper un des murs avec tous les éléments techniques, cuisine et espace télé, et sur le mur d'en face de grouper les meubles "meublants", ceux qui bougent et peuvent être changés aisément, table de salle à manger, et lit faisant office de canapé. La personnalité du lieu est donnée grâce à l'emploi de coloris originaux, qui sortent cet espace du blanc que l'on trouve souvent dans les petites surfaces. Un endroit inspirant pour ceux qui occupent des appartements modernes qui présent assez fréquemment ce genre de configuration.
How to design a studio in length?
This studio has an interesting configuration: at one end the front door, at the other a french window, and between, a long and narrow space. How do the best with it ? Here, the bias has been to occupy one of the walls with all the technical elements, kitchen and TV space, and on the opposite wall to group furnishings "movable", those that can be changed easily, Dining table, and bed serving as a sofa. The personality of the place is given thanks to the use of original colors, which release this space from the white that is often found in small areas. An inspiring place for those who occupy modern apartments that fairly frequently present this kind of layout.
How to design a studio in length?
This studio has an interesting configuration: at one end the front door, at the other a french window, and between, a long and narrow space. How do the best with it ? Here, the bias has been to occupy one of the walls with all the technical elements, kitchen and TV space, and on the opposite wall to group furnishings "movable", those that can be changed easily, Dining table, and bed serving as a sofa. The personality of the place is given thanks to the use of original colors, which release this space from the white that is often found in small areas. An inspiring place for those who occupy modern apartments that fairly frequently present this kind of layout.