Rustique chic dans la maison rouge
C'est l'esprit rustique chic qui règne dans cette maison suédoise, bardée de bois rouge. Dans toutes les pièces on trouve ces éléments qui font le charme de ce style décoratif, tout en conservant un certain dynamisme, grâce au choix de certaines couleurs, comme par exemple le canapé vert vif du salon.
Rustic chic in the red house
It's the rustic chic spirit that reigns in this Swedish house, studded in red. In all the rooms you find these elements which make the charm of this decorative style, while maintaining a certain dynamism, thanks to the choice of certain colors, such as the bright green sofa of the living room.
Rustic chic in the red house
It's the rustic chic spirit that reigns in this Swedish house, studded in red. In all the rooms you find these elements which make the charm of this decorative style, while maintaining a certain dynamism, thanks to the choice of certain colors, such as the bright green sofa of the living room.