Un duplex paré de couleurs vives en Argentine
Carolina Hernández vit en Argentine, où elle conçoit et fabrique les mosaïques Ostakia, la marque qu'elle a créée. Elle a ajouté depuis peu des textiles et de la vaisselle. Dans son duplex, elle marie le neutre du sol gris et de l'escalier en béton au mobilier scandinave, et pour relever le tout et le rendre plus joyeux, aux couleurs vives apportées ça et là dans toutes les pièces. Photos : Javier Picerno
A duplex decorated with bright colors in Argentina
Carolina Hernández lives in Argentina, where she designs and manufactures the mosaics Ostakia, the brand she created. She has recently added textiles and dishes. In her duplex, she blends the neutral of the gray floor and the concrete staircase with the Scandinavian furniture, and to raise the whole and make it more joyful, bright colors added here and there in all rooms. Photos: Javier Picerno
source : Espacio Living
A duplex decorated with bright colors in Argentina
Carolina Hernández lives in Argentina, where she designs and manufactures the mosaics Ostakia, the brand she created. She has recently added textiles and dishes. In her duplex, she blends the neutral of the gray floor and the concrete staircase with the Scandinavian furniture, and to raise the whole and make it more joyful, bright colors added here and there in all rooms. Photos: Javier Picerno
source : Espacio Living