La cuisine dans un écrin
Cet appartement suédois situé dans un immeuble datant de 1939, a été modernisé par l'ajout d'une verrière qui installe la cuisine de cet appartement familial dans un écrin. La façade de l'immeuble a été également rénovée, et a reçu un traitement fait d'un jeu de tasseaux de bois, qui apportent leur touche contemporaine à l'entrée.
The kitchen in a glass case
This Swedish apartment is located in a building dating from 1939. It has been modernized by the addition of a glazed partition which installs the kitchen of this family apartment in a glass case. The facade of the building was also renovated, and received a treatment made of a set of wooden cleats, which bring their contemporary touch to the entrance.
The kitchen in a glass case
This Swedish apartment is located in a building dating from 1939. It has been modernized by the addition of a glazed partition which installs the kitchen of this family apartment in a glass case. The facade of the building was also renovated, and received a treatment made of a set of wooden cleats, which bring their contemporary touch to the entrance.