Magie du soir en Suède
C'est le soir lorsque le soleil se couche, que la magie s'opère dans cet appartement situé en Suède. On allume les lumières sur le balcon, on regarde au loin les derniers rayons orné de reflets brillants les eaux du fjord, et on s'installe pour profiter de ce moment de calme.
Magic of evening in Sweden
It's in the evening when the sun goes down, that magic takes place in this apartment located in Sweden. We switch on the lights on the balcony, we look away the last rays adorned with brilliant reflections the fjord waters, and we settle down to enjoy this moment of calm.
Magic of evening in Sweden
It's in the evening when the sun goes down, that magic takes place in this apartment located in Sweden. We switch on the lights on the balcony, we look away the last rays adorned with brilliant reflections the fjord waters, and we settle down to enjoy this moment of calm.