Méli-mélo suédois 21
Déjà rentré de vacances ? Vous n'êtes pas encore parti ? Voici la semaine de reprise pour beaucoup d'entre nous, l'été a un avant-goût d'automne, un peu de nostalgie nous envahit déjà. Allez, la vie est belle, profitions-en, en regardant les images de ce méli-mélo suédois 21 (parce que les Suédois, ça fait longtemps qu'ils ont repris l'école et le travail!).
Swedish medley 21
Already returned from holidays? You didn't yet went? Here is the week of back-to-work for many of us, summer has a taste of autumn, a little nostalgia is already invading us. Come on, life is beautiful, enjoy it, watching the pictures of this Swedish medley 21 (because for the Swedes, it's been a long time that they have returned to school and work!).
Source : Fastighesbyran
Source : HusmanHagberg
Source : MOHV
Source : Maklarhuset
Source : Bjurfors
Source : MOHV
Source : Bjurfors
Source : Fastighetsbyran
Swedish medley 21
Already returned from holidays? You didn't yet went? Here is the week of back-to-work for many of us, summer has a taste of autumn, a little nostalgia is already invading us. Come on, life is beautiful, enjoy it, watching the pictures of this Swedish medley 21 (because for the Swedes, it's been a long time that they have returned to school and work!).
Source : Fastighesbyran
Source : HusmanHagberg
Source : MOHV
Source : Maklarhuset
Source : Bjurfors
Source : MOHV
Source : Bjurfors
Source : Fastighetsbyran