Atout velours
Le velours qui a fait un retour en force ces dernières années n'en finit pas de nous séduire. Les canapés, les chaises se parent de ce tissu aux reflets profonds, qui semblait autrefois vieillot, et qui désormais est un véritable atout en décoration intérieure. Il est en accord avec l'esprit douillet que l'on recherche chez soi aujourd'hui. Le velours bleu canard du canapé de cet appartement présenté par Fantastic Frank est si beau, qu'on l'adopterait bien immédiatement dans nos salons.
Velvet asset
The velvet that has made a comeback in recent years continues to seduce us. The sofas and chairs are decorated with this deep-seated fabric, which once seemed old-fashioned, and which is now a real asset in interior decoration. It matches with the cozy spirit that is search at home today. The sofa peacock blue velvet of this apartment presented by Fantastic Frank is so beautiful, that we would adopted immediately it in our living rooms.
Velvet asset
The velvet that has made a comeback in recent years continues to seduce us. The sofas and chairs are decorated with this deep-seated fabric, which once seemed old-fashioned, and which is now a real asset in interior decoration. It matches with the cozy spirit that is search at home today. The sofa peacock blue velvet of this apartment presented by Fantastic Frank is so beautiful, that we would adopted immediately it in our living rooms.