Du gris et de la couleur en Suède
Dans ce grand appartement aux murs gris situé en Suède, la couleur est apportée par le mélange des chaises autour de la table, le fauteuil Eames vintage, le cuir du canapé, et certains tableaux. Cela donne un esprit chaleureux à cet endroit, sans avoir à choisir entre déco neutre et colorée.
Gray and color in Sweden
In this large apartment with gray walls located in Sweden, the color is brought by the mix of chairs around the table, the vintage Eames armchair, the leather sofa, and some paintings. This gives it a warm spirit, without having to choose between neutral and colorful decoration.
Gray and color in Sweden
In this large apartment with gray walls located in Sweden, the color is brought by the mix of chairs around the table, the vintage Eames armchair, the leather sofa, and some paintings. This gives it a warm spirit, without having to choose between neutral and colorful decoration.