Un cocon douillet en Suède
Commencer son année de fac, ou son premier job en s'installant dans un cocon douillet, c'est le rêve de beaucoup. Ici le rêve se réalise avec ce studio, d'une surface restreinte mais qui offre une décoration économique et pleine de douceur, idéale pour se réfugier le soir et profiter de sa vie de jeune adulte.
A cozy cocoon in Sweden
Beginning your year of university , or your first job by settling in a cozy cocoon, is the dream of many. Here the dream is realized with this studio flat, with a small area but offering an economic and full of sweetness decoration, ideal to take refuge in the evening and enjoy its young adulthood.
A cozy cocoon in Sweden
Beginning your year of university , or your first job by settling in a cozy cocoon, is the dream of many. Here the dream is realized with this studio flat, with a small area but offering an economic and full of sweetness decoration, ideal to take refuge in the evening and enjoy its young adulthood.