Fenêtre sur chambre en Suède
Afin de créer une chambre en second jour dans cet appartement, on a ouvert une fenêtre dans le mur qui donne dans le salon. On en a fait un véritable élément décoratif, qui loin d'étonner, apporte un plus à cet intérieur aux tons d'automne.
Window with view on bedroom in Sweden
In order to create a borrowed light bedroom in this apartment, an interior window has been opened in the living room wall. It has become a true decorative element, which, far from astonishing, brings something more to this interior in autumn tones.
Window with view on bedroom in Sweden
In order to create a borrowed light bedroom in this apartment, an interior window has been opened in the living room wall. It has become a true decorative element, which, far from astonishing, brings something more to this interior in autumn tones.