Un îlot de cuisine différent
Vouloir un îlot de cuisine, c'est une envie contemporaine. Toutefois, pour diverses raisons, que l'on soit locataire interdit de travaux, ou propriétaire, mais désirant quelque chose de différent, on n'a pas toujours envie d'investir dans un meuble assorti au reste de la cuisine, et être plutôt partant pour quelque chose de différent. Ici un meuble ancien surmonté d'un plan de travail, sert à la fois de meuble de rangement et de surface de préparation, ainsi que de coin repas, et donne à cette cuisine un peu banale, une allure sophistiquée. Les carreaux de ciment servent également à la sortir de l'anonymat du blanc.
A different kitchen island
To want a kitchen island is a contemporary desire. However, for various reasons, whether you are a renter who is not allowed to install one or a homeowner, but who wants something different, you don't always want to invest in a furniture that matches the rest of the kitchen, and instead, to be up for something different. Here, an old furniture topped by a countertop serves as both storage and preparation surface, as well as a dining area, and gives this kitchen a bit boring, a sophisticated look. Cement tiles are also used to remove it from the anonymity of white.
A different kitchen island
To want a kitchen island is a contemporary desire. However, for various reasons, whether you are a renter who is not allowed to install one or a homeowner, but who wants something different, you don't always want to invest in a furniture that matches the rest of the kitchen, and instead, to be up for something different. Here, an old furniture topped by a countertop serves as both storage and preparation surface, as well as a dining area, and gives this kitchen a bit boring, a sophisticated look. Cement tiles are also used to remove it from the anonymity of white.