Contraste en blanc pour un petit appartement
Ce qu'il y a de bien dans le design d'intérieur contemporain, c'est qu'on peut trouver son bonheur quels que soient ses goûts. A un appartement très coloré comme celui décoré par Sarah Lavoine, succède un petit appartement tout blanc, qui donne un contraste saisissant avec celui-ci. Ici l'immaculé est de mise, et ce sont les différents tons de blancs qui ont la vedette, jusqu'au Smeg qui reste sage.
White contrast for a small apartment
The good thing about contemporary interior design is that you can find your heart desire whatever your taste. At a very colourful apartment, like the one decorated by Sarah Lavoine, is succeeds a small all- white apartment, which gives a striking contrast with the preavious one. Here the immaculate reigns, and it is the different tones of whites that have the spotlight, down to the wise Smeg.
White contrast for a small apartment
The good thing about contemporary interior design is that you can find your heart desire whatever your taste. At a very colourful apartment, like the one decorated by Sarah Lavoine, is succeeds a small all- white apartment, which gives a striking contrast with the preavious one. Here the immaculate reigns, and it is the different tones of whites that have the spotlight, down to the wise Smeg.