Il est temps de rallumer la cheminée
Si vous pensiez il y a quelques jours que le printemps allait faire son apparition de façon prématurée, le "Moscou Paris", cet air froid et polaire en provenance direct de Russie, vous a prouvé le contraire. Il est donc temps de rallumer la cheminée, si vous avez la chance d'en posséder une, comme dans cet espace sous les toits suédois bien accueillant pendant que dehors il gèle. Le week-end pointe le bout de son nez, restez au chaud !
It's time to light the fireplace once more
If you thought a few days ago that spring was going to appear prematurely, the "Moscow Paris", this cold and polar air coming directly from Russia, proved to you the opposite. So it's time to light the fireplace once more, if you're lucky enough to own one, as in this welcoming Swedish space under the roofs while it's freezing outside. The weekend is just around the corner, stay warm!
It's time to light the fireplace once more
If you thought a few days ago that spring was going to appear prematurely, the "Moscow Paris", this cold and polar air coming directly from Russia, proved to you the opposite. So it's time to light the fireplace once more, if you're lucky enough to own one, as in this welcoming Swedish space under the roofs while it's freezing outside. The weekend is just around the corner, stay warm!