Un appartement de style industriel en Autriche
C'est à Vienne en Autriche, que se situe cet appartement dont le projet a été visualisé par VIZN Studio. Les briques très présentes se marient parfaitement avec le style industriel et design choisi pour le mobilier pour donner un univers plutôt masculin très réussi.
An industrial style apartment in Austria
It is in Vienna, Austria, that this apartment is located. This project was visualized by VIZN Studio. The bricks have a strong presence, and marry perfectly with the industrial and design style chosen for the furniture, and give a rather masculine universe very successful .
An industrial style apartment in Austria
It is in Vienna, Austria, that this apartment is located. This project was visualized by VIZN Studio. The bricks have a strong presence, and marry perfectly with the industrial and design style chosen for the furniture, and give a rather masculine universe very successful .