Se créer un jardin intérieur en appartement
On vous l'a dit et répété : cette année est celle des plantes dans la décoration. La tendance est profonde et devrait perdurer. Il faut accumuler les plantes vertes, se créer une véritable petite jungle chez soi, un jardin intérieur qui joue la fraîcheur.
Creating an indoor garden in an apartment
You've been told and told : this year is the year of plants in decoration. The trend is profound and should continue. It is necessary to accumulate green plants, to create a true small jungle at home, an interior garden which plays the freshness.
Creating an indoor garden in an apartment
You've been told and told : this year is the year of plants in decoration. The trend is profound and should continue. It is necessary to accumulate green plants, to create a true small jungle at home, an interior garden which plays the freshness.