Un appartement féminin jusque sur le balcon
Une fois n'est pas coutume nous commençons la visite de cet appartement par le balcon vitré, reflet de la décoration intérieure de tout le reste du logement. Le rose et la douceur sont rois, faisant de cet espace un refuge aux notes féminines, idéal quelque soit la météo.
A feminine apartment onto the balcony.
Once is not usual we begin the visit of this apartment by the glazed balcony, reflection of the interior decoration of all the rest of the housing. Pink and softness are kings, making this space a refuge with feminine notes, ideal whatever the weather.
A feminine apartment onto the balcony.
Once is not usual we begin the visit of this apartment by the glazed balcony, reflection of the interior decoration of all the rest of the housing. Pink and softness are kings, making this space a refuge with feminine notes, ideal whatever the weather.