Une maison pleine de plantes et de lumière
Afin d'agrandir cette maison suédoise à la façade rose, une véranda a été ajoutée et permet de profiter du jardin, tout en bénéficiant d'un abri idéal et lumineux pour les nombreuses plantes vertes . Photo : Janne Olander
A house full of plants and light
In order to enlarge this Swedish house with its pink facade, a veranda has been added and allows you to enjoy the garden, while having an ideal and bright shelter for the many green plants... Photo: Janne Olander
113 + 42 m²
Source : Stadshem
A house full of plants and light
In order to enlarge this Swedish house with its pink facade, a veranda has been added and allows you to enjoy the garden, while having an ideal and bright shelter for the many green plants... Photo: Janne Olander
113 + 42 m²
Source : Stadshem