Un appartement en duplex près de la mer
C'est près de la mer que cet appartement suédois en duplex déploie ses mètres carrés bien exploités. On appréciera le jardin en rez-de-chaussée, même si du vis-à-vis existe, c'est toujours très appréciable de posséder un extérieur en pleine ville. Et on aimera également son agencement, qui semble multiplier l'espace.
Duplex apartment near the sea
This Swedish duplex apartment is located close to the sea and has well exploited surface. You will appreciate the garden on the ground floor, even if there is a building facing it, it is always very appreciable to have an outdoor in city. And you will also like its layout, which seems to multiply the space.
Duplex apartment near the sea
This Swedish duplex apartment is located close to the sea and has well exploited surface. You will appreciate the garden on the ground floor, even if there is a building facing it, it is always very appreciable to have an outdoor in city. And you will also like its layout, which seems to multiply the space.