Design éclectique pour un appartement espagnol
Parfois, lorsque l'on visite un appartement, tout semble un peu trop parfait. Les pièces s'enchaînent les unes après les autres, avec une impression d'ensemble. Ici, ce n'est pas le cas, on passe de la couleur au sombre, du rouge aux tons neutres, et pourtant cet appartement espagnol décoré par Jaime Beriestain Studio est totalement cohérent, vivant, avec son aspect éclectique. Les murs de briques et les câbles électriques apparents de la chambre contrastent avec son mobilier confortable et classique, et les plafonds voûtés catalans passent du noir au naturel sans choquer.
Eclectic design for a Spanish apartment
Sometimes, when you visit an apartment, everything seems a little too perfect. The rooms follow one after the other, with a total look. Here, this is not the case, we go from colour to dark, from red to neutral tones, and yet this Spanish apartment decorated by Jaime Beriestain Studio is totally coherent, alive, with its eclectic aspect. The brick walls and exposed electrical cables of the bedroom contrast with its comfortable and classic furniture, and the Catalan vaulted ceilings go from black to natural without shocking.
Eclectic design for a Spanish apartment
Sometimes, when you visit an apartment, everything seems a little too perfect. The rooms follow one after the other, with a total look. Here, this is not the case, we go from colour to dark, from red to neutral tones, and yet this Spanish apartment decorated by Jaime Beriestain Studio is totally coherent, alive, with its eclectic aspect. The brick walls and exposed electrical cables of the bedroom contrast with its comfortable and classic furniture, and the Catalan vaulted ceilings go from black to natural without shocking.