Un loft près de la Méditerranée
La designer d'intérieur Christine Leja de Bconnected a pris en charge la rénovation de cet espace pour créer un loft, près de la Méditerranée, dans un quartier à la mode de Majorque. Poutres en acier, hauts plafonds et volumes ouverts, sont caractéristiques des espaces situés dans un ancien bâtiment industriel comme ici.
Loft near the Mediterranean Sea
Interior designer Christine Leja from Bconnected has taken charge of renovating this space to create a loft, near the Mediterranean, in a fashionable Mallorca quarter. Steel beams, high ceilings and open volumes are characteristic of spaces located in a former industrial building such as this one.
Source : Micasa
Loft near the Mediterranean Sea
Interior designer Christine Leja from Bconnected has taken charge of renovating this space to create a loft, near the Mediterranean, in a fashionable Mallorca quarter. Steel beams, high ceilings and open volumes are characteristic of spaces located in a former industrial building such as this one.
Source : Micasa