Esprit impressionniste à Los Angeles
Ce qui frappe lorsque l'on rentre dans l'appartement de Susan à Los Angeles, c'est non seulement la hauteur de 5 mètres sous plafond, mais également la grande fresque représentant un des tableaux de Monet, le peintre français chef de file des impressionnistes, qui occupe tout un mur. C'est Sonja Melville, responsable de l'équipe de design de West Elm Santa Monica, qui a récemment eu la chance d'aider sa cliente à donner une âme à son nouvel appartement, dont les passions sont l'art et les voyages, et qui a souhaité ainsi conserver un souvenir de son récent passage à Paris.
Impressionist spirit in Los Angeles
What strikes you when you enter Susan's apartment in Los Angeles is not only the height of 5 metres under the ceiling, but also the large fresco representing one of the paintings by Monet, the leading French painter of the Impressionists, which occupies an entire wall. Sonja Melville, head of the West Elm Santa Monica design team, recently had the chance to help her client give a soul to her new apartment, whose passions are art and travel, and who wanted to keep a memory of her recent visit to Paris.
Impressionist spirit in Los Angeles
What strikes you when you enter Susan's apartment in Los Angeles is not only the height of 5 metres under the ceiling, but also the large fresco representing one of the paintings by Monet, the leading French painter of the Impressionists, which occupies an entire wall. Sonja Melville, head of the West Elm Santa Monica design team, recently had the chance to help her client give a soul to her new apartment, whose passions are art and travel, and who wanted to keep a memory of her recent visit to Paris.