Une maison agrandie dans l'est londonien
Lorsqu'une maison devient trop petite pour une famille, et que le prix du mètre carré est prohibitif, il est souvent judicieux d'agrandir celle où l'on habite, où on a ses habitudes, et située dans un quartier agréable. Les Anglais sont passés maître depuis longtemps de l'agrandissement sur le jardin arrière, en créant de véritables family-rooms accueillant la cuisine, la salle à manger, et parfois même le salon. C'est encore le cas ici, dans cette maison de l'est londonien, avec un projet réalisé très réussi qui offre un espace convivial pour famille et amis.
Extended house in East London
When a house becomes too small for a family, and the price per square meter is prohibitive, it is often wise to enlarge the one where you live, where you have your habits, and located in a pleasant neighbourhood. The English have long since become masters of enlargement in the rear garden, creating real family rooms that house the kitchen, dining room and sometimes even the living room. This is also true here, in this East London home, with a very successful project that offers a friendly space for family and friends.
Source : JJ Media
Extended house in East London
When a house becomes too small for a family, and the price per square meter is prohibitive, it is often wise to enlarge the one where you live, where you have your habits, and located in a pleasant neighbourhood. The English have long since become masters of enlargement in the rear garden, creating real family rooms that house the kitchen, dining room and sometimes even the living room. This is also true here, in this East London home, with a very successful project that offers a friendly space for family and friends.
Source : JJ Media