Un refuge en pierres en Andalousie
Situé dans la majestueuse Serranía de Ronda en Espagne, "La Donaira" est un boutique hôtel en Andalousie créé par ses propriétaires dans un cortijo centenaire, qui établit un dialogue entre le design, l'architecture, les arts, et l'agriculture. Restauré par Themroc Designs en collaboration avec Eduardo Lando, le cortijo respecte les principes de la construction naturelle et durable tout en combinant des éléments architecturaux contemporains qui jouent un rôle fondamental.
Stone refuge in Andalusia
Located in the majestic Serranía de Ronda in Spain, "La Donaira" is a boutique hotel in Andalusia created by its owners in a century-old cortijo, which establishes a dialogue between design, architecture, arts, and agriculture. Restored by Themroc Designs in collaboration with Eduardo Lando, the cortijo respects the principles of natural and sustainable construction while combining contemporary architectural elements that play a fundamental role.
Stone refuge in Andalusia
Located in the majestic Serranía de Ronda in Spain, "La Donaira" is a boutique hotel in Andalusia created by its owners in a century-old cortijo, which establishes a dialogue between design, architecture, arts, and agriculture. Restored by Themroc Designs in collaboration with Eduardo Lando, the cortijo respects the principles of natural and sustainable construction while combining contemporary architectural elements that play a fundamental role.