Un appartement près de la côte dans une maison à colombage
Cet appartement au design industriel et contemporain se trouve près de la côte atlantique à La Rochelle. Situé dans une maison ancienne à colombage typique datant du XVe siècle, il possède néanmoins tout le confort moderne que l'on attend aujourd'hui, ainsi qu'une magnifique cuisine où se prendre pour un chef talentueux !
Apartment near the coast in a half-timbered house
This apartment with its industrial and contemporary design is located near the Atlantic coast in La Rochelle. In a typical old half-timbered house dating from the 15th century, it has all the modern comforts that we expect today, as well as a magnificent kitchen where you can think of yourself as a talented chef!
Apartment near the coast in a half-timbered house
This apartment with its industrial and contemporary design is located near the Atlantic coast in La Rochelle. In a typical old half-timbered house dating from the 15th century, it has all the modern comforts that we expect today, as well as a magnificent kitchen where you can think of yourself as a talented chef!