La tiny house que même Marie Kondo cite en exemple
Tiny Miss Dolly est une tiny house installée en pleine campagne en Australie. Sa propriétaire, Dolly Rubiano a construit son refuge idéal de 17m² et ses deux mezzanines en 10 semaines et l'a meublé selon ses goûts pour le naturel. Habiter dans une si petite maison vous oblige à une organisation sans faille et à faire de choix dans ce que vous conservez. Dolly a si bien réussi ce challenge, que même Marie Kondo, qui l'a découverte sur Instagram, la cite en exemple. Rien de trop ici, même les plantes vertes ont leur utilité puisqu'elles maintiennent un degré d'humidité idéal pour que le bois utilisé pour la construction ne craque pas. Dolly adore sa tiny house, et nous aussi n'est-ce pas? Photo : Dolly Rubiano
The tiny house that even Marie Kondo mentions as an example
Tiny Miss Dolly is a small house located in the countryside of Australia. Its owner, Dolly Rubiano, built her ideal 17m² refuge and two mezzanines in 10 weeks and furnished it according to her taste for the natural. Living in such a small house forces you to be organized flawlessly and to make choices in what you keep. Dolly has succeeded so well in this challenge that even Marie Kondo, who discovered her on Instagram, mentions her as an example. Nothing too much here, even green plants are useful because they maintain an ideal humidity level so that the wood used for construction does not crack. Dolly loves her tiny house, and so do we, don't we? Photo: Dolly Rubiano
The tiny house that even Marie Kondo mentions as an example
Tiny Miss Dolly is a small house located in the countryside of Australia. Its owner, Dolly Rubiano, built her ideal 17m² refuge and two mezzanines in 10 weeks and furnished it according to her taste for the natural. Living in such a small house forces you to be organized flawlessly and to make choices in what you keep. Dolly has succeeded so well in this challenge that even Marie Kondo, who discovered her on Instagram, mentions her as an example. Nothing too much here, even green plants are useful because they maintain an ideal humidity level so that the wood used for construction does not crack. Dolly loves her tiny house, and so do we, don't we? Photo: Dolly Rubiano