Le design scandinave aime les appartements anciens
Dans cet immeuble construit en 1863, c'est un design scandinave actuel qui a pris place. Bien que la bâtisse soit des plus classiques avec ses 3,15 mètres sous plafond, ses moulures, et son parquet, elle se marie parfaitement au mobilier contemporain de la cuisine, aux éternelles étagères String de la chambre créées dans les années 60, et ce mélange donne un intérieur à la fois chaleureux et facile à vivre, sans nostalgie mais avec respect pour les volumes anciens.
Scandinavian design likes old apartments
In this building dating back to 1863, a current Scandinavian design has taken place. Although the building is a very classic one with its 3.15 metres high ceiling, mouldings and parquet flooring, it blends perfectly with the contemporary furniture of the kitchen, the eternal String shelves of the bedroom created in the 1960s, and this blend gives an interior that is both warm and easy to live with, without nostalgia but with respect for the old volumes.
Scandinavian design likes old apartments
In this building dating back to 1863, a current Scandinavian design has taken place. Although the building is a very classic one with its 3.15 metres high ceiling, mouldings and parquet flooring, it blends perfectly with the contemporary furniture of the kitchen, the eternal String shelves of the bedroom created in the 1960s, and this blend gives an interior that is both warm and easy to live with, without nostalgia but with respect for the old volumes.