Un trésor architectural au design contemporain
C'est le très réputé studio d'architecture Blakstad qui a été chargé de redonner vie à cette maison centenaire à Ibiza " Pep den Pere", un trésor architectural de l'île âgé de 400 ans, qui est entrée dans le 21ème siècle grâce à une rénovation contemporaine. Respectueuse de son passé, la maison conserve intactes ses racines rurales, avec des références grecques et arabes, et se pose en haut d'une colline, non loin des plages. Photo : Christopher Stark
Architectural treasure with a contemporary design
Blakstad, the renowned architectural studio, has been commissioned to bring this century-old house back to life in Ibiza "Pep den Pere", a 400-year-old architectural treasure of the island that has entered the 21st century through a contemporary renovation. Respectful of its past, the house keeps its rural roots intact, with Greek and Arabic references, and settles on the top of a hill, not far from the beaches. Photo: Christopher Stark
Source : Revista AD
Architectural treasure with a contemporary design
Blakstad, the renowned architectural studio, has been commissioned to bring this century-old house back to life in Ibiza "Pep den Pere", a 400-year-old architectural treasure of the island that has entered the 21st century through a contemporary renovation. Respectful of its past, the house keeps its rural roots intact, with Greek and Arabic references, and settles on the top of a hill, not far from the beaches. Photo: Christopher Stark
Source : Revista AD