Un petit appartement à l'esprit maison
Avec son entrée privée, cet appartement suédois de deux pièces donnant sur une jolie cour a tout d'une petite maison privée. Dès l'entrée on est charmé par la décoration qui mélange le style rustique chic, au vintage urbain, dans un immeuble datant de 1890 qui a conservé de jolis éléments d'origine comme ses hauts plafonds à moulures. Un large balcon complète cet ensemble et fait de cet appartement un lieu de vie citadin idéal.
Small apartment with a house feeling
With its private entrance, this Swedish one-bedroom apartment overlooking a pretty courtyard looks like a small private house. From the entrance you are charmed by the decoration that mixes rustic chic style with urban vintage in a building dating from 1890 that has preserved beautiful original elements such as its high ceilings with mouldings. A large balcony completes this property and makes this apartment an ideal place to live in the city.
Small apartment with a house feeling
With its private entrance, this Swedish one-bedroom apartment overlooking a pretty courtyard looks like a small private house. From the entrance you are charmed by the decoration that mixes rustic chic style with urban vintage in a building dating from 1890 that has preserved beautiful original elements such as its high ceilings with mouldings. A large balcony completes this property and makes this apartment an ideal place to live in the city.