Une maison londonienne au charme brut
Cette maison londonienne propose un design brut hors du commun. Les murs en briques peintes, le sol en béton, le bois de récupération et les fenêtres à guillotine sont autant de détails qui lui confèrent un esprit ancien mais sophistiqué, aux couleurs crayeuses sous lesquelles la nature des matériaux est encore visible et délibérément préservée.
London house with a raw charm
This London-based house offers an extraordinary raw design. The painted brick walls, concrete floor, reclaimed wood and sash windows are all details that give it an old but sophisticated spirit, with chalky colours under which the nature of the materials is still visible and deliberately preserved.
London house with a raw charm
This London-based house offers an extraordinary raw design. The painted brick walls, concrete floor, reclaimed wood and sash windows are all details that give it an old but sophisticated spirit, with chalky colours under which the nature of the materials is still visible and deliberately preserved.