Aménager un coin chambre astucieux dans un studio
Ce studio suédois est remarquable à plus d'un titre. D'une belle surface, il possède une véritable cuisine ouverte (pas une mini kitchenette!), et un coin chambre astucieux. Celui-ci, qui peut juste accueillir un grand lit, occupe une place restreinte dans l'appartement, environ 3m², et est placé près d'une fenêtre (ce qui est toujours agréable). Une simple cloison avec une ouverture vitrée donne sur la cuisine, et l'éclaire parfaitement de la lumière du jour. Le coin chambre devient ainsi beaucoup plus intime dans la pièce principale, sans toutefois être un obstacle à la luminosité ni l'impression d'espace.
Designing a clever bedroom space in a studio
This Swedish studio is remarkable for more than one reason. With a beautiful surface area, it has a real open kitchen (not a mini kitchenette!), and a clever bedroom space. This one, which can only accommodate a double bed, occupies a limited space in the apartment, about 3m², and is placed near a window (which is always pleasant). A simple partition with a window overlooks the kitchen, and illuminates it perfectly with daylight. The bedroom corner thus becomes much more intimate in the main room, without however being an obstacle to brightness or the impression of space.
Designing a clever bedroom space in a studio
This Swedish studio is remarkable for more than one reason. With a beautiful surface area, it has a real open kitchen (not a mini kitchenette!), and a clever bedroom space. This one, which can only accommodate a double bed, occupies a limited space in the apartment, about 3m², and is placed near a window (which is always pleasant). A simple partition with a window overlooks the kitchen, and illuminates it perfectly with daylight. The bedroom corner thus becomes much more intimate in the main room, without however being an obstacle to brightness or the impression of space.