Une chambre vitrée pour un deux pièces à la décoration classique chic
Ce n'est pas parce qu'une chambre possède une fenêtre qu'il n'est pas tentant de remplacer la cloison pleine qui la sépare du salon, par une cloison vitrée. Non seulement elle permet d'apporter un supplément de lumière dans les deux pièces communicantes, mais également de conserver l'impression d'espace, particulièrement importante dans un petit appartement. Ici, c'est ce qui a été accompli dans ce deux-pièces à la décoration classique chic, où le velours coloré apporte son design chaleureux. La seconde cloison vitrée qui sépare la chambre de la cuisine, éclaire cette dernière qui ne possède pas de fenêtre.
Glazed bedroom for a one bedroom with classic chic decoration
Just because a bedroom has a window does not mean that it is not tempting to replace the solid partition separating it from the living room with a glass partition. Not only does it bring extra light to the two communicating rooms, but it also preserves the impression of space, which is particularly important in a small apartment. Here, this is what has been achieved in this one-bedroom apartment with its classic chic decoration, where coloured velvet brings its warm design. The second glass partition separating the bedroom from the kitchen illuminates the latter, which has no window.

Glazed bedroom for a one bedroom with classic chic decoration
Just because a bedroom has a window does not mean that it is not tempting to replace the solid partition separating it from the living room with a glass partition. Not only does it bring extra light to the two communicating rooms, but it also preserves the impression of space, which is particularly important in a small apartment. Here, this is what has been achieved in this one-bedroom apartment with its classic chic decoration, where coloured velvet brings its warm design. The second glass partition separating the bedroom from the kitchen illuminates the latter, which has no window.
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